The Honey Pot is a simple way for you to access an investment solution designed to grow your funds over time. It allows you to invest in Stocks and Shares ISA (up to your annual allowance) or a General Investment Account (GIA). Invest your spare cash and watch it grow.

✔️ affordable financial advice- advisory fees only 0.25% per annum
✔️ simple to invest and easy to use online
✔️ can save up to £20000 per annum (2019/20) into a tax-efficient ISA
✔️ a smart portfolio built especially for you
✔️ discover your personal risk profile
✔️ access to award-winning investment solutions
✔️ because tigers are endangered and savers are prudent
We aim to achieve the best possible return for you over the long term, based on the level of risk that you are prepared to take.
Our approach to Investing is based on Nobel Prize-winning theories on portfolio investment by Harry Markowitz.
The investment portfolios we create for you aim to provide the best balance of risk and reward for you. To do this we assess the risk you are willing and able to take, building a portfolio for you based on 20 years of historical returns and academic research. Although the stock market and world economies can often be unpredictable, a robust investment strategy can help to make the returns over the longer term more predictable.
The system will assess the answers to your questions to provide you with a risk assessment that will be used in the fund recommendation stages.
We work with Parmenion, a leading fund manager who select funds to make up a specifically tailored portfolio, designed to meet your needs- whatever your risk appetite!
By clicking the button at the bottom of the page you will be transferred into the investment system, called The HoneyPot. You will be asked to answer some simple questions that will align you with a specific investment Strategy and you can do it all online and in minutes. If the system spots something that means you may not be suitable for this automated service it will ask you to talk to us before proceeding further.
The most important thing is for you to make sure this service is right for you in the first place- so please read and consider the Eligibility section before starting- as we all want to make sure this is right for you.
This is where you have to make sure you are someone who would suit this service and solution and you should look at the factors below.
Firstly this solution allows you to invest between £100pm and £50000 in a stocks and shares ISA or General Investment Account (GIA) and no other requirements or needs will be considered or reviewed.
You can only invest in an ISA if you live in the UK and you should talk to us about alternative savings vehicles.
There may be better vehicles to invest in better suited to your retirement?
Making sure your family are provided for on your death may be a higher priority than saving for the future.
You are unlikely to be able to obtain higher, consistent growth on your savings than it costs you to borrow.
You don't want to be be forced to draw on these longer term savings during poor market conditions.
Don’t opt-out of any pension without getting advice - you could lose valuable employer contributions.
If you are inexperienced or uncomfortable about the value of your savings going up and down then seek advice.
These investments are not for short-term needs as they fluctuate in value and can be worth less than you invested.
If you expect your financial situation to deteriorate in the short term then this type of saving may not be for you.
Your FREE investment proposal
See for yourself how quick and easy it is and get your FREE downloadable portfolio investment proposal.
If you have carefully considered these aspects then this solution should match your investment needs simply and more cost effectively. If at any time you want help or move to a more advised approach we are always on hand to help you.
Investment risk: Investment in the stock market is not a suitable place for short-term money and you may not get back what you put in. All investment carries risk and it is important you understand this, if you are in any doubt about whether an investment is suitable for you, please contact us. Investment in the stock market and any income derived from it may go down as well as up.
If you want to speak to us first
If you're looking for information or wanting to speak to us first, contact us here:

The Honey Pot is a trading style of 4 The Record Compliance LTD, registered in England & Wales,
20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU. Registered Number: 08107961.
4 The Record Compliance LTD is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is entered on the FCA register Number 772350. This can be verified via the online FCA register at or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768